Thursday, August 22, 2013

In Seoul Incheon Airport...

Aloe fruit punch and black rice cake at the Tteok Museum
which did not sell postcards
I'm on my way to Singapore. I arranged my trip to follow a conference in Seoul. Seoul is a beautiful city with lots of beautiful greenery and architecture. Everything seemed clean, safe, and affordable. Also, I really love rice cakes. I'm having rice cakes and tea in the airport right now. Sorry everyone, no postcards from Seoul. I didn't have time to go to museums and gift shops. :(

I needed my copy of my temporary approval letter for the Singapore training employment pass to check in and get my baggage checked. But it wasn't a very elaborate process. I realize, just now, that I forgot to change my address on my bags from the hotel in Seoul to a Singapore address. Luckily, I did leave my contact info and business card in there. So, hopefully, those will be found should my luggage get lost.

I arrive in Seoul at around midnight Singapore time, and I'll check into the Changi airport hotel to sleep. Taxis are more expensive late at night, and I don't need to take a cab ride downtown late. Friday morning, I'll move to the SUTD student hostel (dorms.) I don't know what I'm going to do with my baggage, since I can't (don't want to) lug 120 pounds of luggage around SUTD in hot humid temperatures. But... maybe I'll just suck it up and do it. :( I don't want to take cabs back and forth between the airport and the other side of Singapore.

The first order of business after I check into the hostel is to get a phone plan and SIM card. I'll then put that into my dad's old G2 and unlock it with the code TMobile sent.

The second order of business is to visit rooms for rent. I have a couple places lined up through, but I may also hire an agent.

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