Saturday, January 11, 2014

Medical Update: Costs

Major Take-Away: At the clinics, the doctor will try to send you home with every prescription and OTC drug you could need. Definitely only take home the necessary ones, unless you need the high strength painkillers.

Last week, I was ill with a stomach infection. (symptoms: diarrhea, feverish, chills, abdominal pain, lower back pain, headache) The stool culture did not reveal a culprit, but 5 days of ciprofloxacin fixed me up. I was basically better in three days, but need lots of probiotics to completely recover.

The hospital did not have a general practitioner, so I went to Newcastle Clinic at 541 Orchard Rd.

Anyway... here is what medical services cost at the clinic that I went to... (add 7% GST)

Consultation     $50-$80
Practice Cost   $30
Blood Test        $105 (incl. 3 tests, each $30-40)
Stool Tests      $80
Antibiotic         $30

And then I learned that when the doctor's office is also the pharmacy, you get given a lot of drugs..

Acetaminophen (10 X 500mg)   $3
Charcoal   (20)                          $6

I declined the probiotics because I already had some at home.

Today, I submitted my claim to Blue Cross. It comes to about $400 SGD if you discount the OTC meds.

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