Saturday, January 11, 2014

Medical Update: Costs

Major Take-Away: At the clinics, the doctor will try to send you home with every prescription and OTC drug you could need. Definitely only take home the necessary ones, unless you need the high strength painkillers.

Last week, I was ill with a stomach infection. (symptoms: diarrhea, feverish, chills, abdominal pain, lower back pain, headache) The stool culture did not reveal a culprit, but 5 days of ciprofloxacin fixed me up. I was basically better in three days, but need lots of probiotics to completely recover.

The hospital did not have a general practitioner, so I went to Newcastle Clinic at 541 Orchard Rd.

Anyway... here is what medical services cost at the clinic that I went to... (add 7% GST)

Consultation     $50-$80
Practice Cost   $30
Blood Test        $105 (incl. 3 tests, each $30-40)
Stool Tests      $80
Antibiotic         $30

And then I learned that when the doctor's office is also the pharmacy, you get given a lot of drugs..

Acetaminophen (10 X 500mg)   $3
Charcoal   (20)                          $6

I declined the probiotics because I already had some at home.

Today, I submitted my claim to Blue Cross. It comes to about $400 SGD if you discount the OTC meds.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Preparing for Medical Services

I am feeling unwell, today, and decided to schedule an appointment at a hospital for a bloodtest. I contacted International SOS at +65.6338.7800 for assistance. The operator collected my information and disconnected for 20 minutes to get ahold of a doctor. I believe the doctor was in France, but I'm unsure. We talked briefly, the doctor seemed mildly unconcerned as if it were a late hour for him (I think it was 11pm in France.) I made sure to ask him what tests I should expect. He suggested that I get a physical examination and blood test. Then he disconnected, and I worked with the Singapore operator to locate a nearby hospital. International SOS does not recommend going to a public hospital, because they are more crowded and take more time. We decided upon Gleneagles hospital. She suggested that I contact Blue Cross Blue Shield once I knew the appt information. Because the hospital appt services are closed (it's Sunday at 6pm), she said they would schedule the appt when the hospital opened and shoot for a 12-2pm slot. She promised to call with the details at 10:30am on Monday.

I then called BCBS right away to make sure the hospital and plan were acceptable and check my coverage. I called the international assistance at 001-804-673-1177 because the online worldwide doctor search was not recognizing the first three letters (XXP) of my ID #. (see possible explanation ) I was informed that all hospital visits less than 24 hours in duration are paid up-front by myself and then I need to e-mail copies of the following to BCBS:

  • claim form
  • copy of medical record
  • detailed itemized invoice
  • receipt of payment
For stays longer than 24 hours, I can call BCBS and set up a case for BCBS to help negotiate fees. The operator told me that there were no restrictions on hospitals for international services.